
Sunday, November 25, 2018


This blog is intentionally created for teaching people to grow food at home. Considering the number of pesticides that the store bought vegetables and fruits come with, mere washing the food doesn't help in any way.

An excerpt from an online journal:From 2016 to 2017, spinach jumped up six spots to become the second “dirtiest” produce you can buy, right behind strawberries.Of the 708 non-organic spinach samples collected in 2015, a whopping 96.6 percent had traces of at least one pesticide, and 13.6 percent contained at least ten. For comparison, only 81 percent of lettuce samples contained pesticides, and just 1.1 percent had traces of ten or more.
Here we will publish about anything and everything about hydroponics. So, keep a watch, learn, implement and enjoy healthy food.

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