
Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Greenhouses in India

Why are the greenhouses in India failing to reach optimal produce? Most of the green houses we see while travelling are scrapped or abandoned. Green houses are the invention of the west that we are copying as it is. They use green houses because most of the time there the weather is cold and frosty. In India we have a weather that is totally opposite to these thing.
If you ask any grower in India who uses greenhouses, two things come up.

1. They want to grow lettuce

2. They want to use grow lights.

This is because this is what every one of them seen or heard about what is been done in the west. India needs spinach, mustard, fenugreek, chilies, lentils, tomatoes and other such things. These things don't need green houses as the weather in India is concerned.

We in India don't consume lettuce in bulk. We need to look towards the local produce which can be used to grow hydroponically, but surely will not require greenhouses.

As the lights are concerned, India has surplus light source considering the 8 hour of direct sunlight that can be used to grow the above mentioned staples.

If we considering cutting down on these to costly resources, there is no reason we can not grow hydroponically and get a profit out of it.

Considering growing lettuce in case, you do have an assured market for the supply of lettuce that comes out of your farm, through B2B rate contracts or otherwise, please go ahead and set-up a lettuce factory. But if you are doing it just based on assumption that you will find the market later, better go small and test the hypothesis first.

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